APP.A.RES was born with the aim of amplify clarinet’s resonance frequency by creating customized pieces. The need and the inspiration for such cration are an acoustic with non-sufficient or even missing echo and the desire that clarinettists share to improve the sound perception of their instruments. Our accessories are handcrafted with top quality materials.

Maurizio Cialfi

Founder “App.A.Res”

He starts clarinet studies at six, motivated by his father, who used to play in a small orchestra. He finishes his studies at the musical institute R. Franci of Siena, being just 18 years old. Afterwards he graduates with honors in saxophone at the “Cherubini of Florence” conservatory. Sure that the musician performance can be valued by the instrument’s quality, Maurizio starts researching at the Pisa University where he deepens his own knowledge of physics/acoustic. This path will lead him to found in 2017 the “App.A.Res” Company, specialized in the production of handcrafted accessories for clarinets.


Video production

Patent n° PCT/IB2017/052805

''APP.A.RES. è stato testato e sviluppato in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia, dei Sistemi, del Territorio e delle Costruzioni dell' Università di Pisa. .''