
Four years of hard work were necessary to get a product that combines tradition - in the form of the noble artisan craft - together with the innovation of scientific research. What makes our bell unique is the RISONATORE, a sort of ligature located on the exit hole of the bell. The idea came from a simple observation: clarinet produces sound through its holes, but the one on the bell is the only one that hasn’t got an echoing element. Already well-known, is the importance of materials used to produce pads, that must assure a perfect grip when closed and also an adequate sound when open.
Though, materials used for hermetically sealing the hole haven’t got any resounding qualities. In other words, these two features are not compatible between each other. That’s why pads producers must be good mediators.
Luckily, the hole on the bell must be always open. This allows us to use the best shapes and materials so to obtain an excellent resonance.
The RISONATORE behaves like a mechanical equalizer, following the physics basics linked to the phenomenon of Helmholtz’s resonance.
According to shape, wall thickness, and diameter of the hole on the upper surface of the RISONATORE, given frequencies can be intensified or diminished.
Following common taste linked to the chamber, operatic and symphonic music tradition, we opted to emphasize the medium-low frequencies.

This is, in fact, the frequency’s range that the instrument, according to our survey, seems to lack the most.
The RISONATORE on the bell gives the artistic practice lots of benefits such as:
• Extension of the armonic spectrum and a consequent enlargment of the dinamic range.
• Better sound uniformity in different ranges (since air inside the instrument works with more energy).
• This element helps to balance pressure deficits caused by the changing relation between length and width inside the chamber of clarinet’s body.
• Better distribuition of the sound in space because it becomes less directional (diffraction’s phenomenon) - largely attested in our research.

The echoing bell is realized mainly in solid olive wood aged for long periods using a natural method, than cut and glued in opposed grain, pressed for some days in order to guarantee solidity to the piece and to prevent any potential deformation.
The bell is made by combining the use of lathe, as in the artisan tradition, with the precision of C.N.C. machines - essential when the highest precision is required. Its innovative element, the risonatore, is made with the best fir wood and linked to its main element by harmonic iron segments. What makes the refined product ultra light is the material’s choice and the accurate manifacturing.



The App.A.Res barilotto is designed to work together with the echoing bell. The structure of the inner chamber and materials’ quality - thirty years aged wood – “accelerate” the air flow, put in motion by reed’s vibration. As a consequence, the sound is better emitted and has a wider resonance.



APPARES is an acoustic echoing to be applied on the instrument’s bell. The device’s main function is to reflect the sound wave coming from the bell, so to increase the resonance that takes place inside the body of the instrument.

This determines lots of undeniable advantages for the executor, that tend to considerably improve the acoustic and technical performances of the intrument such as:
• easier emission;
• better sound uniformity in diverse ranges with timbral completion in the most critical zones and better control of the intonation;
• improvement of the legato;
• simpler sound start;
• higher sound volume and harmonic spectrum extension;
• better projection and distribuition of sound in the space.

The device’s body is handcrafted with exquisite red fir wood from Val di Fiemme (the same used fin the making of violins). Coupling rods are made in harmonic iron and they are elastic, so to be easily adapted to any sort of bell. Its scarce weight (about 40 gr) makes its presence almost imperceptible.